Our Brand

Our brand is forged upon the unique environment in which Dawson Park Primary is situated. The bird which is the visual representation of our brand, reflects what we stand for and what we want to be. Birds are amazing and wonderful creatures.

They bring life and colour to the world, sing beautifully and make amazing sounds. Birds are high-flyers, gracefully soaring through the air. They are smart and daring and as the only living animal with feathers – they are UNIQUE.

Our bird stands tall, strong and proud. The tri-colour wings represent the three important aspects of our school – Students, Parents/Community and Staff. We want our students to soar through life, meeting every challenge with perseverance and resilience. We want them to fly high and always strive to achieve. We want them to be smart and daring and we want this to be achieved through strong relationships between the three important partners of our learning community.

We want our students to soar through life, meeting every challenge with perseverance and resilience.